Test Recorder
There’s never been a true integration between a test recorder and your BDD Specifications.
Until now.
With the increasing adoption of BDD and the desire to use low-code test automation solutions, many teams have been seeking the perfect pairing of the two.
With the Flare Test Recorder, agile automation testers can now experience the first seamless integration of BDD and recorded tests .
Watch our full Test Recording tutorial
Manage your BDD Features, Scenarios, Steps and Tags.
Use the Flare Test Recorder to create a new BDD Feature. Quickly define your supporting BDD Scenarios and then your Given, When, Then, And, or But steps.
Easily add new or existing project tags to Features and Scenarios for subsequent test execution selection.
Record your user journeys.
Choose a BDD feature, scenario and a step that you’ve just added. Open the test recorder and navigate through your application-under-test to record your user journey.
When you need to move to the next step of your scenario, simply open the step and continue to record your flow.
The web test recorder also encourages you to maintain a best practice page-object-model by prompting you to create new pages in your project when it detects new pages in the application under test.
Add your test assertions whilst you record.
In any BDD Scenario step as you are recording your test, simply right click to open up the assertions menu.
Quickly and easily add test assertions to check for the presence, existence or visibility of expected page elements.
You can also use the recorder to insert a visual regression testing check, an accessibility testing check (with Axe) or an application audit check (with Lighthouse).
Watch the Test Recorder generate the automation code for your BDD Scenario.
As you navigate through your application for each step within your BDD scenario, the web test recorder will capture your application interactions and your test assertions, saving them to your project.
Playback your test.
Tag your test and then immediately locate it for execution on your browser of choice, whilst pushing the test results in real time to our Halo Test Results Cloud Dashboards.
With our Flare record and playback testing tool, you’ll be up and running in no time at all and the time-consuming journey of introducing new testers to automation will become a thing of the past.
Frequently Asked Questions
A record and playback feature within an automated testing tool allows users to quickly record application user journeys as automated tests without the tester themselves needing to write any code. This can be referred to as both a no-code or low-code automation solution.
A tester can quickly record a new test as they explore the application and when complete the journey, they can immediately play it back or execute that newly created test. It speeds up the process of building new automated tests significantly.
Our web test recorder provides the quickest means for a user to record a brand new test against a web application. Test Evolve Flare's web test recorder enables the rapid generation of Ruby or JavaScript automated tests with full integration to an associated BDD Feature and Scenario.
In Test Evolve Flare, a user simply creates or opens a project and then selects the Development module.
Quickly create a new BDD Feature and Scenario and then add your required Given, When and Then steps.
Pick any of your steps and then select the option to 'Record' your user journey
A browser will open, you can load your application under test and then begin to manually walkthrough your end to end journey while the recorder captures everything that you do.
Add test checkpoints or assertions as you go and step seamlessly into your next BDD Scenario step to continue recording when appropriate.

“Mastering your test automation first time with your current testers is entirely within reach. You just need to choose your tooling wisely.”